Atomic Fever

Stainless Steel
Dimensions 12x8x6m (variable)

  • Atomic Fever consists of 510 x 25mm diameter stainless steel tubes bent to a specific angle which allows them to be connected together as multiple loops and lines in an infinite variety of form. The work, whose geometry mirrors in a hugely magnified form the structure of the carbon atom in a diamond, is integrated into the branch structure of the trees by means of a specially developed push-fit system. The polished silver tubes pick up and reflect the colour of their surroundings. While on the one hand this geometrical construct contrasts with the organically grown form of the tree, on the other it seems almost like a proliferating growth, tightly intertwined with the trees.

  • Blickachsen 11, Kurpark, Bad Homburg, Germany, 2017

    New Art Centre, Roche Court, 2018 to 2022

    Artelium, East Sussex, UK, 2023